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Everything You Need to Run a Successful Cannabis Operation

Monitoring systems are absolutely imperative in the cannabis industry. Without a robust monitoring system in place, organizations stand to lose tens of thousands of dollars in costs associated with manual monitoring, including: Unexpected equipment failures, temperature control, CO2 level management, wasted inventory, labor wages, regulatory fines, and more.

Our Cannabis Monitoring Approach

As one of the world’s leader in turnkey remote monitoring solutions, we’re committed to delivering superior automated protection that supports cannabis growing facilities around the clock while delivering substantial cost savings.

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Temperature Controls

SensLynx Monitoring Systems allow you to maintain the proper temperature controls necessary to run an optimal process and deliver your product at the highest quality.


Equipment Failure

Limit inventory loss and additional expenses with equipment monitoring. With SensLynx monitoring systems, you'll be alerted as soon a piece of equipment fails or is need of maintenance.

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Inventory Control

Monitor inventory levels and health to ensure that your production facilities are running at optimal levels.

CO2 Level Management

Monitor CO2 and other gas levels to ensure successful harvests and high quality end products. 

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